Saturday, September 25, 2010

sweet stalker with a broken english.

happy birthday helmie!

taik dak aku nk wish hg kat belog aku? wakakaka. gilaa annoying.. tobat fath bengang nie, sebab i couldnt remember her big day.. i tot u both got the same birthday. ngeh3
oke, how's ur day in UK? hahaha. i guess u are having a homesick kan? padan muka u.
I might not like other, doesnt have picture of you. wakaka. takk koseee nk cari gambo mu.. so, let the plain text explains about you, ahaks. jangan marah you :P
happy eggteen years. sekarang u r eligible to merokok and watch porn tanpa semunyik-semunyik lagi. eh, tapi kat UK boleh tgk live dak? weee
btw, finally you got what you want; your true love and aweks :D kan2? glad!
i would like to wish all the best in ur study. and have fun there!! hahaha.
dulu kan, akulah stalker hang. hang nak tau dak xD
wakaka. stalker je la, tak sempat nk crush lagi. tgk2 dah teken. lol
mcm celake.
nk ckp apa lagi wei? no ideasss..
bila lagi mau perli rapat sedass kat hang tatau.. insyaALLAH nnt aku perli hg noh.
terima kasih kerana sudi berkawan dengan orang tak hot nie. wee xD

oke, nk sambung buat math!
have a blessed big day ya.
naise to mit you

from :
your-seweeet-stalker xD


  1. hahaha apa lah wei :p
    eh before 18 pun dah merokok dan tgk porn, hihi :D
    lah ye ke ? hahaha. okay thanks btw ! goodluck study :)
    haha, thanks again :DD
